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If you are in the business of meeting sluts in your area for sex and instant hookups then you are in for a treat. This is Australia’s premium site for local sluts to come and create a shop front. So what do I mean by this? We allow all of our members to create an online profile. All the women who have signed up for this site are not looking for relationships; they are looking for no strings attached sex.
Their profiles are a way for them to get no strings attached sex. So if you think about it, their profile is a bit like their shop front and they want to make it look as appealing as possible so they get as many customers through the front door as they possibly can. This begins to give you a good idea of what these sluts are putting up in order to get as many men to contact them for local hooks ups.
So the main things these local sluts put on their profile to get men chatting to them is pictures. We have done studies and discovered that women who put profile pictures up are almost 98% more likely to get men contacting them than the ones that don’t. However, this is a sex-dating site so we have done tests that a few other dating sites might have not. We tested how much many more messages women got on this site when they had naked images uploaded and we found something really interesting. These sluts looking for hookups were almost contacted almost 40% more if they had images of themselves naked.
We then looked into it and it turns out that the women who uploaded naked images were meeting up for sex offline about 4 times as much as the women who weren’t. That meant that the women who are dirty enough to upload naked images are the same women who really are interested in meeting up for sex offline.
We then look into how many of the thousands of women who sign up to Instant quickies actually uploaded naked images and we were shocked. It turns out that over 80% of the women who sign up to instant quickies upload naked images of themselves. That means that this site is full of sluts who are looking for hookups.
Now when you think that the women who upload naked images are more than 40% more likely to meet up for sex offline and more than 80% of the women on this site do this, it is not hard to realize why we are the number one dating sites in Australia for sex off the line.
There is a math’s problem I really don’t mind solving!